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Public Liability insurance is there to protect your business against the financial risk for death, bodily injury or damage to property.

What is Public Liability insurance?

Public Liability insurance provides financial protection for your business in of death, bodily injury, or property damage suffered by a third party, including members of the public or other businesses you work with. The coverage levels typically range from $5 million to $30 million.

Here are some examples of situations where Public Liability insurance can be beneficial: a visitor slipping on a wet floor in the toilet, a visitor tripping over loose carpet in reception, or a plumber damaging a pipe that causes property damage and business interruption.

What is Personal Injury Cover?

Death, bodily injury, sickness, disease, disability, shock, fright, mental anguish and mental injury
False arrest, wrongful detention or imprisonment, and malicious prosecution
Wrongful eviction
Assault or battery (unless excluded)
Libel, slander, defamation of character or invasion of the right of privacy, occurring during the period of insurance.

What is Property Damage Cover?

Actual physical loss of or physical destruction of tangible property
The loss of use of tangible property which has not been physically damaged but cannot be used due to physical damage to other tangible property which occurs during the period of insurance.

Simple Online Solution

If you’re looking for Public Liability Insurance,
we have a range of options available online for you to choose from.

We cover more than 2000 occupations and offer options of $5 million, $10 million, and $20 million.

Additionally, we provide payment options, including monthly payments.

How Can A Public Liability Insurance Policy Protect Me?

Typically, a liability policy will have two limits - one for public liability and one for products liability.

These limits are usually the same, for example, $20,000,000 for both. Product liability refers to the legal responsibility for personal injury or property damage caused by a product of the business, while public liability refers to the legal responsibility for injury or damage caused to a member the public.
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