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What is Super/SMSF Insurance?

Your Superannuation/SMSF account can be used to pay for three types of insurance: Life, TPD Any Occupation and Income Protection. By holding these covers through your super/SMSF, your premiums will be 100% paid by super money instead of your out-of-pocket money, thus providing a great relief for your personal cash flow. 


Key Benefits

             Linked Cover
You can use super to pay for a Life cover, TPD any occupation cover linked with other non-super benefits such as own occupation and trauma. 
Easy Payment

As long as there is at least $6,000 in your industry super balance, you can utilise super to fund your above types of insurance. 

Tax Benefit

Generally, insurance inside super will be entitled an additional 15% tax rebate discount to the premium via super rollover. 

Guaranteed Upgrade

Any future policy improvement will be automatically added to your policy.


Who needs Super/SMSF Insurance? 


People with mortgage, dependant, or income, tend to have the following wealth protection needs in the event of death/terminal illness, or disability:

  • To relieve pressure on personal cash flow. 

  • To leave financial support for children, spouse, parents.

  • To repay the mortgage to protection properties.

  • To protect their business by ensuring a continuous flow of funds.

  • To supplement cash flow gaps to cover essential living expenses.

  • To compensate for income loss due to being unable to work because of illness.

  • To access health and consumer benefits as an insurance member, saving on costs.

How to customize your Super/SMSF Insurance? 

1. Calculate the sum assured

How much do you need to repay the mortgage? Are there other debts? How much income needs to be protected? How much does it cost to educate children? How much is the necessary living expenses?


You can also refer to the following sum assured calculators:


Life Insurance Calculator

2.Confirm Premium Coverage

What is your budget to fund your protection in place? 

3. Find the Balance Point 

Are you comfortable with both the cover amount and premium level? 

calculate cover.jpg

Your Trusted Insurance Partner


Hippo Insurance has been delivering top-notch insurance services across Australia for more than 4 years. Our team of specialists have an accumulated experience of more than 20 years in the insurance and finance industry, protecting over 1,000 families and business. 

We value our clients' trust and time. Especially, we treat them as individuals, not just numbers. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best insurance coverage at an affordable price.

We understand that every individual or business has unique needs, which why we empower you to tailor your own protection to your specific requirements

What Differentiate Us?

Free Comparison
Our comparison service will help you find the balance point, saving you time and effort.

Superior Product
Leading Insurers, Selective Insurance Brands, Dedicated Specialist Team Support.

Further Discount

No hidden fees, More discounts, and More Peace of Mind.

Hippo Care
Ongoing insurance management and claim services, 24/7 global protection, giving you a peace of mind.

Hippo Academy
Share wealth management knowledge, financial education and risk management techniques.

Hippo Club
Win-Win resources, network and partnerships with attractive reward programs.

Contact Us

Our team at Hippo Insurance is dedicated to meeting all of your insurance requirements. If you want to enquire any  type of insurance or have any other important topics to discuss, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always here to assist you.

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